This four-part article series takes a comprehensive look at the modern dental implant protocol able to give edentulous and near-edentulous patients a brand new set of fixed and non-removable teeth in as little as a single day.
Welcome to the final installment of our four-part article series on “All-on-4” dental implants. So far, the dentist in Arlington TX has discussed how this technique for oral rehabilitation works and how the solutions it provides compare with those of removable dentures. In this final part of the series, the dentist in Arlington TX will describe how the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol is able to provide patients with a brand new set of teeth in as little as a single day, with a single surgery. It all begins with the design of the technique…
Dentist in Arlington TX: The Innovation of “All-on-4” Implants

In 1993, European implantologist Dr. Paulo Malo innovated a surgical technique that overcame one of the largest hurdles in oral rehabilitation using dental implants: bone grafting surgery. You see, people who have been living without teeth for many, many years (or with dentures) frequently present with a lack of bone volume in the jaw. This is caused by atrophication of the hard tissue, which wastes away without the stimulation provided by the tooth roots. So, when these patients come to the dentist in Arlington TX for help, depending upon the degree of bone loss in the jaw, they may not be considered candidates for dental implants.
In these cases, the dentist in Arlington TX may recommend bone grafting surgery, which augments the existing bone and encourages the growth of new and healthy hard tissue in the jaw. The problem with this step towards oral rehabilitation is that it is invasive and incredibly painful for the patient to go through. It’s also expensive and requires months of healing before the jaw is ready to accept dental implants, explains the dentist in Arlington TX. The need for bone grafting surgery represented a hurdle in one’s journey towards having a full set of beautiful and functional teeth again. But with the advent of “All-on-4” dental implants, the dentist in Arlington TX is almost always able to skip this procedure entirely.
Dentist in Arlington TX: How the “All-on-4” Avoids Bone Grafting

Dr. Paulo Malo specifically designed the “All-on-4” technique to avoid the need for bone grafting entirely. This was done through the placement and angulation of four dental implants in the jaw:
• Two dental implants are placed by the dentist in Arlington TX in the front portion of the jaw, where the bone naturally exists in a greater volume and is more resistant to atrophy.
• Another two (longer) dental implants are placed towards the back of the jaw, in the region of the second and third molars. These implants are inserted at a very precise angle, which enables them to reap maximum support from the underlying jaw bone, explains the dentist in Arlington TX. This angulation also ensures that they avoid damaging vital structures, such as the nerve canal in the lower jaw and the sinus cavity in the upper jaw.
Together, these four dental implants provide ample support for a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge. Because only four dental implants are placed per jaw, the entire procedure can be completed in a single day, with a single surgery, explains the dentist in Arlington TX. And it is this unprecedented treatment time that has earned “All-on-4” dental implants ‘breakthrough’ status in the fields of implantology and fixed oral rehabilitation!
A Final Note from the Dentist in Arlington TX
Removable dentures are no longer the best and most sophisticated solution to edentulism and near-edentulism. Whether you already wear dentures or are facing an immediate future of them, dental implants provide a much more comprehensive and long term answer; one that doesn’t cost you in your quality of life. Speak to your dentist in Arlington TX about the sophisticated solutions provided by the “All-on-4” protocol!
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