This four-part article series answers the questions frequently asked by patients interested in cosmetically improving the symmetry, color or shape of their teeth.
Back to find out more about what the cosmetic dentist in Arlington can do for your smile? In this article, the second installment of our four-part series, we shall continue answering more of the questions frequently asked by patients who feel that their teeth and/or gums could benefit from the procedures or treatments offered by the cosmetic dentist in Arlington.

FAQ: My teeth are healthy, but they aren’t shaped nicely. Their edges are and always have been somewhat jagged, making my smile unattractive. What would the cosmetic dentist in Arlington recommend?
Answer: Not everyone is born with perfectly straight and even teeth. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that your teeth are unhealthy, or unhealthier than someone who does have beautiful teeth, it can affect the quality of your smile. If the crowns of your teeth are jagged and uneven, as opposed to smooth and straight, you could be considered a candidate for dental veneers, says the cosmetic dentist in Arlington. A veneer is a wafer-thin shell of ceramic material that is custom made to fit the shape of your teeth; jagged edges, chips, cracks and all! During its fabrication, the veneer is made to fill out these imperfections in the tooth structure. Once the cosmetic dentist in Arlington has bonded the veneer to the front of the tooth or teeth requiring restoration (using very hard cement), the result will be a perfectly even and straight tooth! Catherine Zeta-Jones’ smile is a great example of the wonders porcelain veneers are capable of.

The cosmetic dentist in Arlington also uses porcelain veneers to:
• Make short stubby teeth appear longer,
• Camouflage heavy discoloration and staining of the dental enamel,
• Fill in chips and cracks in the tooth structure, and
• Fill in large spaces between teeth.
FAQ: One of my teeth was quite badly damaged in a car accident. I’m scared that the cosmetic dentist in Arlington will want to pull the tooth. Are there any other treatment options?
Answer: It is always the priority of the cosmetic dentist in Arlington to preserve your natural teeth rather than just pull them and replace them with a bridge or a dental implant. No amount of fancy or sophisticated technology can rival the durability and resilience of your own pearly whites! The only circumstance under which the cosmetic dentist in Arlington will recommend the extraction of the tooth is if he or she simply cannot save it. There are, thankfully, many things the dentist can do to rescue a heavily damaged tooth.
First of all, X-rays will be taken to help cosmetic dentist in Arlington diagnose the extent of the damage done to the tooth. If the pulp chamber has become infected, he or she will need to extract the nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue that make up the insides of your tooth before sterilizing and filling it with cement. This is essentially a root canal procedure and will be performed under a local anesthetic. The cosmetic dentist in Arlington will then remove the affected and/or decayed portion of the hard tooth structure, file the remaining tooth down to a nub and use molds of your teeth to have a ceramic tooth crown made for you (see image below).

FAQ: My teeth have become quite badly discolored. What procedures are offered by professionals in cosmetic dentistry in Arlington?
Answer: If a standard teeth whitening or deep bleaching treatments are insufficient to remove staining and discoloration, you could have porcelain veneers placed on your teeth. These, explains the cosmetic dentist in Arlington, are wonderful restorations for hiding the damage done to the dental enamel as a result of years’ worth of heavy smoking, coffee-drinking and other deleterious habits.
Cosmetic Dentist in Arlington: Stay Tuned
To read more FAQs from the cosmetic dentist in Arlington, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series!
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